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An overview of kyphoplasty for vertebral body compression fractures


Spinal pain is always hard to deal with, but vertebral body compression fractures are often associated with horrible symptoms. For the unversed, a vertebral body compression fracture leads to the collapse/compression of the vertebra, which causes the spine to shorten. This can result in severe pain and make the patient appear hunched. Osteoporosis is considered one of the foremost reasons for such fractures. If you have increasing or progressive back pain, your doctor may recommend kyphoplasty. Here is an overview before you go for kyphoplasty marietta.

Who is an ideal candidate?

Please note that kyphoplasty is not recommended or used for generic back pain problems and reasons, such as stenosis, disk herniation, and arthritis. The pain and related symptoms should be related to a vertebral fracture. Your pain doctor will usually recommend imaging tests, including MRIs, CT scans, and bone scans, along with spinal X-rays, to confirm the diagnosis.

What is the procedure like?

You are required to lie on your stomach during kyphoplasty. The surgeon/doctor will insert a trocar, which is a hollow needle, into the vertebra through the skin. Fluoroscopy is used to guide the needle into the required position. Following this step, the doctor will insert an inflatable balloon-like device into the vertebra through the trocar. The space is used to fill with bone cement. Vertebroplasty is a similar procedure that relies on cement injections without a balloon-like device. The procedure takes about an hour.

After kyphoplasty

You can usually go back home the same day after kyphoplasty. You may have some swelling and soreness at the injection site for a few days, which should subside, while the pain caused by spinal fracture should reduce considerably after the procedure. Your doctor is likely to recommend against exercising and heavy lifting for a few days, and you may need to take medications and supplements to strengthen the bones.

Is kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty safe?

The short answer is yes. The risks related to kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty are minimal. There is a risk of bleeding and infection, and those who have osteoporosis may need to take additional care. Listen to your doctor and take the necessary steps to protect your bones. The procedure doesn’t hurt, but you will experience some pain at the site where the trocar was inserted, which is normal.

Check online for reliable pain management clinics in Marietta now and ask about the best ways to address your spinal pain symptoms.

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