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Mood Disorders

7 Common Types Of Mood Disorders Everybody Should Know


Most people experience mood changes every now and then. One day you might feel cranky, and the next, you feel great. However, with a mood disorder, mood changes are not so simple. Mood disorders are conditions that affect the way you feel and think. These disorders can cause serious emotional pain, and significantly disrupt your life.

Unfortunately, mood disorders Mesa do not always go away on their own. Therefore, seeing a mental health specialist is important if you experience signs of a mood disorder. Meanwhile, here is an insight into the most common types of mood disorders.

1. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Bipolar disorder patients experience symptoms of extreme low and high moods. This condition can hugely disrupt your ability to function in everyday life.

Often, bipolar disorder requires mood stabilizers to manage extreme moods that individuals cycle through. During the “highs,” an individual with bipolar disorder might feel elated and invincible with extreme bursts of productivity. The “lows” or depressed moods might leave one despondent and possibly suicidal.

2. Dysthymia

Dysthymia, or persistent depressive disorder, is a milder form of depression than major depression. Nevertheless, this condition can be disruptive to one’s life, affecting millions of Americans. Dysthymia can last for years, and besides the depressed mood, individuals with dysthymia might experience fatigue, insomnia, apathy, hopelessness, and social isolation.

3. Major Depression

Persons with major depressive disorders are plagued by hopelessness and despair. The symptoms must last several weeks for your doctor to diagnose you with major depression. Typical symptoms of major depressive disorder include hopelessness, fatigue, unexplained physical conditions, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, feelings of worthlessness, and unexpected weight gain or loss.

4. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression affected by the seasons. This mood disorder affects individuals in the winter, when there is less daylight. While persistent low or depressed moods are the main symptoms of SAD, other common symptoms include agitation, changes in appetite, insomnia, and anxiety.

5. Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

A substance-induced mood disorder stems from illegal or prescribed drug use. Mood disorders caused by opioid or drug use can cause symptoms like depression, lethargy, mania, and more.

6. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder exist in the final week before the onset of menstruation and will begin to improve several days after the start of menses. Your symptoms will be minimal in the week after your menses end. Common warning signs of premenstrual dysphoric disorder include irritability, increased interpersonal conflicts, mood swings, anxiety, feeling on edge, or depression.

7. Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that happens during or immediately after pregnancy. Women might experience this condition because of hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, the major life transition of having a child, financial constraints, or emotional distress.

Mood disorders can take various forms, from major depressive disorder to less common concerns like seasonal affective disorder and bipolar disorder. While mood disorders could be episodic, they could also present a lifelong vulnerability. It can be intimidating if you or your beloved receives a mood disorder diagnosis.

However, remember numerous resources could help you cope. If you identify any warning signs of mood disorders, seek professional help. Mood disorders are treatable through treatments like therapy, counseling, and medication. Talk to your doctor to determine the right care plan for you.

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