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Asthma A Genetic Disease

Is Asthma A Genetic Disease?


When trying to figure out what is wrong with our health, it is human nature to hunt for a scapegoat in the form of a member of our own family or a feature that we inherited from them. It has been known for a very long time that asthma tends to run in families. According to medical research, there is an “increased risk” that children born to parents who have duluth asthma may also suffer from respiratory conditions.

The further apart these two persons are located from one another, the less of a threat they pose to one another. If your uncle has asthma, for instance, you have a lower risk of developing the condition than if either of your parents have. Additionally, the more vulnerable a member of your family is, the higher the probability that you will be as well.

Your chances of developing asthma

Even if the relative genetic risk has been characterized and is known, asthma cannot be easily predicted because a single mutation in a single gene does not cause it. Despite this, the genetic risk has been studied and is known. A wide range of factors, some of which are inherited and others of which are environmental, can contribute to the development of asthma.

Triggering environmental factors 

Many different environmental triggers are capable of bringing on an asthma attack. An allergic reaction can be triggered by a wide variety of substances known as allergens. Some examples of allergens include pollen, mildew, animal dander, dust mites, and certain chemicals. A multitude of environmental factors, such as smoke, dust, or the exhaust from vehicles or swimming pools, might set off an asthma attack in a susceptible individual. Your sensitivity level and the frequency with which you are exposed to the asthma triggers will determine the degree to which these factors may impact your condition.

Asthma Due To Exercise 

The only time you experience asthma symptoms is while you are working out. It will be more difficult for you to maintain a normal breathing pattern as a result of the inflammation and constriction of your airways. Since it has been determined that this condition is distinct from asthma, it is now referred to by its own designation, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, or EIB, for short. If you have asthma, you have a very high probability (almost 90%) of also having eosinophilic bronchitis (EIB). On the other hand, it is possible to suffer from EIB without also suffering from asthma.

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