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Infertility – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment in Florida


Many people in this world have infertility. Infertility can make us feel depressed. It can also create problems in our marital life. This problem is common in both men and women nowadays. A woman will not be able to conceive due to infertility. Men with infertility will not be able to produce healthy or enough sperm. If you have tried everything possible but did not conceive, the first thing you must do is contact an infertility specialist in Florida.

Every couple wants to have babies. Finding couples who don’t want to have babies is difficult. Couples without a baby experience emptiness in their life. If you have infertility, it’s time to go for infertility Lake Mary treatment. You could make an appointment with Christopher K. Quinsey, MD, for the best infertility treatment. Many couples have found their treatment beneficial. 

Look at the reviews of their patients, and you will understand how beneficial their treatment would be. Keep reading to learn about the causes of infertility. 

In men, some of the causes of infertility are –

  • Cancer treatment can affect your sperm production. If you are taking medicine for cancer, meet an infertility specialist immediately. 
  • Using marijuana and other dangerous drugs can cause infertility in both men and women. Smoking and consuming alcohol can cause infertility in many people. Medications used to treat problems like depression and high blood pressure can also cause infertility.
  • Injuries to your reproductive organs can cause infertility.
  • Certain health problems like diabetes and HIV can cause infertility in both men and women. 

In some women, infertility can occur due to

  • Polyps in your uterus can cause infertility. 
  • Conditions like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can also cause infertility if left untreated. Not taking the thyroid treatment can cause various problems like fatigue, thyroid cancer, and overweight or underweight. 
  • If the fallopian tube gets blocked or damaged, it can result in infertility. 

Infertility – Symptoms

  • Abnormal bleeding during periods can indicate infertility in some cases. Women with infertility may experience excessive vaginal bleeding for a longer time. Some women may experience bleeding for over a month from the first day of their period. 
  • Being underweight or overweight can indicate fertility problems in some men and women. Whether you are underweight or overweight, go for an overall body checkup to know the cause.
  • Women with infertility problems may experience miscarriage several times. To prevent this, you must see a specialist in your location. 

Contact the best infertility specialist in Florida to increase your chances of conceiving!

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